Configuration Options

You can change many options for how this extension works via

app.config[OPTION_NAME] = new_option_value


JWT_TOKEN_ARGUMENT_NAME Where to look for a JWT in resolver argument
JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES How long an access token should live before it expires. This takes a datetime.timedelta or an int, and defaults to 15 minutes. Can be set to False to disable expiration. If this value is an int it will be parsed as minutes.
JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES How long a refresh token should live before it expires. This takes a datetime.timedelta or an int, and defaults to 30 days. Can be set to False to disable expiration. If this value is an int it will be parsed as days.
JWT_SECRET_KEY The secret key needed for symmetric based signing algorithms, such as HS*. If this is not set, we use the flask SECRET_KEY value instead.
JWT_IDENTITY_CLAIM Claim in the tokens that is used as source of identity. For interoperability, the JWT RFC recommends using 'sub'. Defaults to 'identity' for legacy reasons.
JWT_USER_CLAIMS Claim in the tokens that is used to store user claims. Defaults to 'user_claims'.