Source code for flask_graphql_auth.decorators

from flask import _app_ctx_stack as ctx_stack, current_app, request
from functools import wraps
import jwt

from .exceptions import *
from .fields import *

[docs]def decode_jwt(encoded_token, secret, algorithm, identity_claim_key, user_claims_key): """ Decodes an encoded JWT :param encoded_token: The encoded JWT string to decode :param secret: Secret key used to encode the JWT :param algorithm: Algorithm used to encode the JWT :param identity_claim_key: expected key that contains the identity :param user_claims_key: expected key that contains the user claims :return: Dictionary containing contents of the JWT """ # This call verifies the ext, iat, and nbf claims data = jwt.decode(encoded_token, secret, algorithms=[algorithm]) # Make sure that any custom claims we expect in the token are present if "jti" not in data: raise JWTDecodeError("Missing claim: jti") if identity_claim_key not in data: raise JWTDecodeError("Missing claim: {}".format(identity_claim_key)) if "type" not in data or data["type"] not in ("refresh", "access"): raise JWTDecodeError("Missing or invalid claim: type") if user_claims_key not in data: data[user_claims_key] = {} return data
[docs]def get_jwt_data(token, token_type): """ Decodes encoded JWT token by using extension setting and validates token type :param token: The encoded JWT string to decode :param token_type: JWT type for type validation (access or refresh) :return: Dictionary containing contents of the JWT """ jwt_data = decode_jwt( encoded_token=token, secret=current_app.config["JWT_SECRET_KEY"], algorithm="HS256", identity_claim_key=current_app.config["JWT_IDENTITY_CLAIM"], user_claims_key=current_app.config["JWT_USER_CLAIMS"], ) # token type verification if jwt_data["type"] != token_type: raise WrongTokenError("Only {} tokens are allowed".format(token_type)) return jwt_data
[docs]def verify_jwt_in_argument(token): """ Verify access token :param token: The encoded access type JWT string to decode :return: Dictionary containing contents of the JWT """ jwt_data = get_jwt_data(token, "access") = jwt_data
[docs]def verify_refresh_jwt_in_argument(token): """ Verify refresh token :param token: The encoded refresh type JWT string to decode :return: Dictionary containing contents of the JWT """ jwt_data = get_jwt_data(token, "refresh") = jwt_data
def _extract_header_token_value(request_headers): """ Extract token value from the request headers. It uses the token found in the header specified in the JWT_HEADER_NAME configuration variable and requires the token to have the prefix specified in the JWT_HEADER_TOKEN_PREFIX variable :param request_headers: Request headers as dict :return: Token value as a string (None if token is not found) """ authorization_header = request_headers.get(current_app.config["JWT_HEADER_NAME"]) token_prefix = current_app.config["JWT_HEADER_TOKEN_PREFIX"].lower() if authorization_header and authorization_header.lower().startswith(token_prefix): return authorization_header.split()[-1] return None
[docs]def query_jwt_required(fn): """ A decorator to protect a query resolver. If you decorate an resolver with this, it will ensure that the requester has a valid access token before allowing the resolver to be called. This does not check the freshness of the access token. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): token = kwargs.pop(current_app.config["JWT_TOKEN_ARGUMENT_NAME"]) try: verify_jwt_in_argument(token) except Exception as e: return AuthInfoField(message=str(e)) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def query_header_jwt_required(fn): """ A decorator to protect a query resolver. If you decorate an resolver with this, it will ensure that the requester has a valid access token before allowing the resolver to be called. This does not check the freshness of the access token. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): token = _extract_header_token_value(request.headers) try: verify_jwt_in_argument(token) except Exception as e: return AuthInfoField(message=str(e)) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def query_jwt_refresh_token_required(fn): """ A decorator to protect a query resolver. If you decorate an query resolver with this, it will ensure that the requester has a valid refresh token before allowing the resolver to be called. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): token = kwargs.pop(current_app.config["JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_ARGUMENT_NAME"]) try: verify_refresh_jwt_in_argument(token) except Exception as e: return AuthInfoField(message=str(e)) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def query_header_jwt_refresh_token_required(fn): """ A decorator to protect a query resolver. If you decorate an query resolver with this, it will ensure that the requester has a valid refresh token before allowing the resolver to be called. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): token = _extract_header_token_value(request.headers) try: verify_refresh_jwt_in_argument(token) except Exception as e: return AuthInfoField(message=str(e)) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def mutation_jwt_required(fn): """ A decorator to protect a mutation. If you decorate a mutation with this, it will ensure that the requester has a valid access token before allowing the mutation to be called. This does not check the freshness of the access token. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs): token = kwargs.pop(current_app.config["JWT_TOKEN_ARGUMENT_NAME"]) try: verify_jwt_in_argument(token) except Exception as e: return cls(AuthInfoField(message=str(e))) return fn(cls, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def mutation_header_jwt_required(fn): """ A decorator to protect a mutation. If you decorate a mutation with this, it will ensure that the requester has a valid access token before allowing the mutation to be called. This does not check the freshness of the access token. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs): token = _extract_header_token_value(request.headers) try: verify_jwt_in_argument(token) except Exception as e: return cls(AuthInfoField(message=str(e))) return fn(cls, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def mutation_jwt_refresh_token_required(fn): """ A decorator to protect a mutation. If you decorate a mutation with this, it will ensure that the requester has a valid refresh token before allowing the mutation to be called. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs): token = kwargs.pop(current_app.config["JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_ARGUMENT_NAME"]) try: verify_refresh_jwt_in_argument(token) except Exception as e: return cls(AuthInfoField(message=str(e))) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def mutation_header_jwt_refresh_token_required(fn): """ A decorator to protect a mutation. If you decorate a mutation with this, it will ensure that the requester has a valid refresh token before allowing the mutation to be called. """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs): token = _extract_header_token_value(request.headers) try: verify_refresh_jwt_in_argument(token) except Exception as e: return cls(AuthInfoField(message=str(e))) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper