Source code for flask_graphql_auth.main

import jwt
from uuid import uuid4
from flask import current_app
import datetime

[docs]class GraphQLAuth(object): """ An object used to hold JWT settings for the Flask-GraphQL-Auth extension. Instances of :class:`GraphQLAuth` are *not* bound to specific apps, so you can create one in the main body of your code and then bind it to your app in a factory function. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app=None): """ Create the GraphQLAuth instance. You can either pass a flask application in directly here to register this extension with the flask app, or call init_app after creating this object (in a factory pattern). :param app: A flask application """ = app if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """ Register this extension with the flask app. :param app: A flask application """ # Check jwt_secret_key or secret_key is defined in app config secret_key = self._get_secret_key(app) if not secret_key: raise Exception( '"JWT_SECRET_KEY" missing from app configuration.' ) # Save this so we can use it later in the extension if not hasattr(app, "extensions"): # pragma: no cover app.extensions = {} app.extensions["flask-graphql-auth"] = self self._set_default__configuration_options(app)
@staticmethod def _get_secret_key(app): return app.config.get("JWT_SECRET_KEY") or app.config.get("SECRET_KEY") @staticmethod def _set_default__configuration_options(app): """ Sets the default configuration options used by this extension """ # Name of token argument in GraphQL request resolver app.config.setdefault( "JWT_TOKEN_ARGUMENT_NAME", "token" ) app.config.setdefault( "JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_ARGUMENT_NAME", "refresh_token" ) app.config.setdefault( "JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES", datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) ) app.config.setdefault( "JWT_SECRET_KEY", app.config.get("SECRET_KEY") ) app.config.setdefault( "JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES", datetime.timedelta(days=30) ) app.config.setdefault("JWT_IDENTITY_CLAIM", "identity") app.config.setdefault("JWT_USER_CLAIMS", "user_claims") # These settings are related to header authentication only app.config.setdefault("JWT_HEADER_NAME", "Authorization") app.config.setdefault("JWT_HEADER_TOKEN_PREFIX", "bearer") @staticmethod def _create_basic_token_data(identity, token_type): uid = str(uuid4()) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() token_data = { "type": token_type, "iat": now, "nbf": now, "jti": uid, current_app.config["JWT_IDENTITY_CLAIM"]: identity, } if token_type == "refresh": exp = current_app.config["JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES"] if isinstance(exp, int): exp = datetime.timedelta(days=exp) else: exp = current_app.config["JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES"] if isinstance(exp, int): exp = datetime.timedelta(minutes=exp) token_data.update({"exp": now + exp}) return token_data def _create_access_token(self, identity, user_claims): token_data = self._create_basic_token_data( identity=identity, token_type="access" ) if user_claims: if not isinstance(user_claims, dict): raise TypeError("User claim should be dictionary type.") token_data.update({ current_app.config["JWT_USER_CLAIMS"]: user_claims }) return jwt.encode( token_data, current_app.config["JWT_SECRET_KEY"], "HS256", json_encoder=current_app.json_encoder, ) def _create_refresh_token(self, identity, user_claims): token_data = self._create_basic_token_data( identity=identity, token_type="refresh" ) if user_claims: if not isinstance(user_claims, dict): raise TypeError("User claim should be dictionary type.") token_data.update({ current_app.config["JWT_USER_CLAIMS"]: user_claims }) encoded_token = jwt.encode( token_data, current_app.config["JWT_SECRET_KEY"], "HS256", json_encoder=current_app.json_encoder, ) return encoded_token